BoomBangMedia Music, Art & Photography

Retro Pixel Ninjas NFT Collection

We proudly present our Retro Pixel Ninjas NFT Collection. With this collection, we enter the NFT world for a better life.
25% of all sales go to the ME/CFS FUNDRAISING #fundraisingBC007MEcfs

With this hand-drawn art ( no computer rendering ), we want to support people who need a helping hand to get back to life.
You can use the images to support and motivate a person who needs this. Read More…

Hit Me Ninja

This Ninja out of our collection always concentrates on the good side of life.
Aiming for the good vibes and protection for your heart & soul.

Hit Me - Pixel Ninja #004_350

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What´s Up Ninja

Feel the power and energy from this Ninja.
He rises with the sun and brings you back the energy level needed to make it through tough times.

Whats Up - Pixel Ninja #003_350

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Fight Me Ninja

This Ninja presents the concentration and inner peace to control your actions.
Take a deep breath and fight for your rights. It is never too late.

Fight Me - Pixel Ninja #002_350

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Come On Ninja

This Ninja comes along with you.
If you need a little motivation to start your day or business,
he kicks you in the right direction.
Look forward to your next-level adventure or your life journey.

Come On - Pixel Ninja #001_350

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